Passion Messe Hamburg - European BDSM & Fetish Fair - Intro Teaser

Quinky Dance - aPASSIONado

11/10/2023 at 19:30 h

Kinky live music meets vaudeville: XelK presents together with Teatro Delicat an extraordinary concert evening for the festive Passion opening. Live music from classical to electro invites you to indulge and dance, variety acts offer a colorful program and exciting performances transform the Catonium all Friday evening into a kinky space of the extra class!

Dance to the Music! XelK invites you to an interactive kinky live concert with the fetish band "XelKestra": Experience a music performance like you've never seen before - and dust off your dance skills, because you can dance Cha Cha, Waltz, Discofox and much more together in your most beautiful and colorful outfits. Whether in latex, leather, nylon or fur, dance as it suits your kink!

The live musicians of the "XelKestra" will lead you through a magical evening with singing and performance, which will officially open the PASSION fair this year: Be there to experience a kinky space unlike anything you've seen before.

And to celebrate the opening, Teatro Delicat, the kinky variety show from Frankfurt, will be our guests, transforming the Romanik into a theater with extraordinary acts, readings and performances.

As at all kinky events, no private photography is allowed. However, if you would like a souvenir photo, you can contact the XELK team.

An extraordinary event for an extraordinary community!

Book Ticket Now


Försterweg 163
22525 Hamburg

Prices & Admission

Admission: 18:30 h
Start of the dance class: 19:30 h

Live music until 22:30 h - then end of the event

Box office: 33 EUR
Advance booking: 27 EUR
Combiticket with the following Passion Play: 49 EUR

Further Infos

Target group
Kinksters, fetish lovers, SM-people, Furrys... all kinks are welcome. Quink = queer + kink! We stand for a colorful and tolerant kink.

You know the game - come kinky, colorful, queer, fetishistic, furry, whatever reflects your identity the most. Only one thing please: not everyday.